I just got back from screening Juno, a movie written by Diablo Cody, directed by Jason Reitman, and starring an amazing cast including Ellen Page, Jennifer Garner, Rain Wilson, Michael Cera, Jason Batemen, JK Simmons, and Allison Janney. Everything about the movie was absolutely amazing, from the unbelievable soundtrack, to the opening animation sequence of Juno walking through town. Nearly every scene in the film was either very touching or absolutely, incredibly funny. The writing was incredibly unique and very blunt (I guess that's the write word). The delivery of lines by the entire cast was flawless, but Ellen Page, who played Juno, stole the show. She is a twenty year old from Canada who starred in Hard Candy and played Kitty in X-Men 3. If Abigail Breslin was nominated for an Academy Award last year for her performance in Little Miss Sunshine, there is absolutely no reason that Ellen Page shouldn't be nominated for her performance in Juno. Her comedic timing was exceptional and really allowed the work of Diablo Cody to shine. The movie, in short, is sort of a comming of age story about a girl who finds herself pregnant as a junior in high school. Her boyfriend, played by Michael Cera (Superbad) is an awkward quirky track runner who never quite knows what to do in the situation. Her parents, played by Allison Janney and JK Simmons, are supportive but don't mind telling her that she is an incredibly hormonal, fat, stupid idiot. In nearly every scene I was crying from laughter and that goes for everybody that was in Mayer Theater. The fact that Juno was a huge fand of 1977 Punk music made me love it even more. Bands like Sonic Youth and Television were mentioned just to name a few...it made me happy. When the credits finally rolled the movie received a standing ovation from everyone. The film premieres Dec. 5 in NY and L.A and opens around the country in the subsequent weeks. Please go see it, you will definitely be missing out if you don't.