Friday, March 28, 2008

Samarkand is Tomorrow Night

"For one evening Loyola Marymount University’s Sunken Garden will undergo an elaborate transformation into a world market, based on the work of Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka. With the Pacific Ocean, Los Angeles and LMU’s Sacred Heart Chapel as backdrops, “Samarkand” will be a uniquely memorable performance. “Samarkand” was written in 2002 and takes its cue from the ancient Yoruba saying that “the world is a marketplace.” It is choreographed by London-based artist Peter Badejo. “Samarkand” celebrates the primal sanctity of man in the context of rites and rituals old and new. "

Apparently Danny Glover, Mel Gibson, and Michael Learned from The Waltons are going to be there. I'll be selling Marians t-shirts and organizing the performances in Sacred Heart Chapel. It should be really neat. I'll try to take pictures and post them on Sunday.