And it was delicious. A group of fellow dorm buddies and I traveled up to the world famous Pink's Hot Dogs on Melrose Ave about two weeks ago and had a great time. The weather that entire week was very unusual for L.A as it was raining non-stop, but we felt that Pink's would be well worth it. We left at rush hour and spent about 45 extra minutes on the 405 North while rain was pouring down on my friends rinky dink Chrysler convertable (The back window was being held to the car by duct tape). After missing the exit onto La Brea and trying to use a broken navagation system that told us we were going South West the entire trip, we finally we made it to the small but cozy location that Pink's has been at since the 1940s. It was still raining and I think that was a good thing because the usually packed hot dog stand had a very small line. I guess nobody was as desperate as us to clog our arteries with a 1 1/2 foot long polish sausage and about a pound of mouth watering toppings in the stormy weather (Chris Farely would be proud). I got in line and squeezed myself under the awning. After placing my order-"One Martha Stewart Hot Dog Please"- I walked around the counter and was quickly given the most disgustingly beautiful meal I had ever seen in my entire life. I ended up asking for the Rosie O' Donnell Dog after I polished off Martha's.
The inside of the establishment is covered with the autographed pictures of hundreds of celebrities including William Shatner, the Cast of House, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Cher, Gene Simmons, Steve Martin, ect. Some celebrities had multiple pictures... (they are either incredibly full of themselves or just really love Pink's) I am sure it is the later. My friend and I want to go back during the middle of the day and hand the manager our signed headshots to see if he takes them. We thought it would be really sad if an actual celebrity wasn't recognized and they refused to take their picture. Anyways, here are a few pictures our sinfully delicious hot dogs and Pink's itself. It's definitely a famous landmark in L.A and rightfully so. The food is great.

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