So, as you can see in my punny title Arcade Fire totally killed at the Hollywood Bowl last night. I really wanted to just start writing this blog as soon as I got back to my dorm but it was really late and I had an 8:00 a.m class (I forgot college was mainly about learning, bummer). Anyway I guess I will start from the beginning to tell you my history with THE BEST BAND EVER! They are an Indie group from Montreal that had enough influence to be the cover story on Time Magazine (that is awesome) So, I was introduced to the Arcade Fire mainly by a show that has introduced me to a lot of things, Gilmore GIrls. I know it sounds very silly but I would have never been introduced to a lot of bands that I really truly enjoy (i.e The Shins, Pernice Brothers, Sonic Youth, The Velvet Underground and Nico, ect) the list could go on and on. Anyway about three years ago I was watching the show and there was a scene in which Rory, the Daughter was downloading a couple of CDs that she thought Lorelai (her mom) would like. It was a very quick scene, like most on the show, and she said, "The best of Brian Eno and The Arcade Fire, trust me you'll like them" She might as well have been looking straigth into the camera when she said it because a day later I pretty much fell in love. Arcade Fire has this one song called Rebellion (Lies) that, for me, gives the same effect as when athletes stand on the highest podium with a gold medal around there neck listening to the national anthem. It literally gives me a mix of emmotions that I can't quite explain but it is awesome none the less. Well that whole incident occured about three years ago and they have remained my favorite band ever since which is a feat within itself.
Well now that you know what Arcade Fire means to me think about how I felt all day...scratch that since I got the tickets.. to go to their concert at the Hollywood Bowl. I pretty much couldn't concentrate the entire day before the event. I arranged for myself and Katie Evans (who also is a big fan) to get a cab to the Hollywood Bowl. On the way there we couldn't stop talking about how much we like the band, our favorite songs, albums, ect. When we finally arrived we were pretty much sprinting to our seats. LCD Soundsytem was the opening act and they were really great but it was hard to really get into their music because we were becoming very imapacient. We wanted Arcade Fire to get on the stage already. Well, at about 9:45 they finally got started and it couldn't have been awesomer ( I don't think awesome can be used that way but whatever). Their first song was Black MIrror and words just can't describe the feeling. I think my hair raised on the back of my neck (maybe that was just because it was freezing outside) There is something about Arcade Fire that just entrances you and I am so glad that they really do great live performances, they really play every song like it was there last. Regine Chassange is one of the members of the band and she is incredibly entertaining to watch preform. She gives this really easygoing, free spirited presence to the stage that it remarkable. Win Butler, the lead singer and Regine's husband, I belive is a superhuman and has hypnotic powers, you can really see the passion he has for his lyrics when he sings. "This is for Governor Bush" he said for the introduction to Intervention, and When he sang it I nearly bawled my eyes out- it was that powerful. There is not one song that they didn't play to perfection and, finally when Rebellion (Lies) started I thought, "I can die now... my life is complete" The mix between the violin, cello, piano, base guitar, Win Butlers chanting lyrics, and the incredible energy of the crowd made for a spectacular performance. The last song that they played was Wake Up and by that time I just wanted to stay glued to my bench forever, I didn't want it to end. But it did and I had to go back to campus... yada yada yada. The funny thing is I woke up this morning dead tired and was like, "I the funniest dream, I was at an Arcade Fire concert and it was awesome." Well it wasn't a dream and I have the video tape to proove it. (Yes, that's right, I recorded it so I can enjoy it for years to come and so can you...eventually it might take a while though). Well, that was my fun time last night I think I was smiling a little too much today, I'll blame it on the Arcade Fire concert after glow.
To the Right is my Arcade FIre videos that I found on Youtube, they aren't from the concert that I went to but if you haven't heard them or watched them than that is a good example of what they are about.
1 comment:
I wish I could go back in time and teleport! -Brent
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