Well, this is the start of A Bagel on a Plate of Onion Rolls. If you don't get the reference than I am sorry to here that. It is one of my Favorite lines in the musical Funny Girl. Barbara Streisand is descrbing here unique personality. She is the diamond in the rough ect. well that is what this blog is going to be A Bagel on a Plate of Onion Rolls....hopefully. Well to get the ball rolling I am a college freshman at Loyola Marymount University in the great city of L.A. This blog is really for me and my family to so that I can remember nearly everything that might take place this year. My first week of school was ok I have met all of my teachers and they seem pretty chill. (notice my california lingo is already setting in due to my roomate's need to use the word chill and stoked in every single sentence.) LMU seems to have it's own type of people. They dress so much different from the South even the guys wear skinny jeans. Everybody uses longboards and cruiser bikes as their mode of transportation between classes. I have met people from Guam to Russia but most people I find are in fact from the wonderful state of California. I did find out that I am the only freshman from Alabama this year so that already proves, at least at LMU, that I am a Bagel on a Plate of Onion Rolls. I am a film major and I have really enjoyed my film classes thus far. My professors are really experienced in the fields that they teach. I have a professors that are producers, directors, production designers, and screenwriters. Yesterday I was able to go to the beach and had a blast. The Pacific Ocean is so much different from the Gulf; the water is really blue and cold as opposed to green and warm. Plus there are mountains in the background, I don't think you could possibly beat that. There is a fast food resteraunt chain that is, supposedly, really addicting and a big deal hear in California. It is called IN-N-OUT. Eilene, Amanda, and I (all from out of state Chicago and Conn respectively) decided that we would experience our first hamburgers from there when we went to the beach from LMU. It was definitely better than any fast food hamburger I have ever had. I broke my 3 year drought of not having a fastfood hamburger and it was definitely worth it. I have a feeling I am going to be frequenting IN-N-OUT a lot (great I guess the freshman 15 isn't a myth after all). Well that is my first post... hope you enjoyed it.
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